Repair of apartments. Furnish of premises (rooms) in east style. |
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. Repair of apartments Hardly someone during the life did not collide (face) With such situation, as repair of the apartment. Everyone The person in due course understands, that conditions, which It(He) is surrounded with already long time, becomes not that, That it would be desirable it(him) to see every day, that it(him) Presence at this conditions of its(his) dwelling does not bring Pleasures and rest. There is a desire to change the Dwelling to update it(him), to make more comfortable, Cosy and beautiful, otherwise, to make repair. In fact we in independence of complexity and amount of works Makes three kinds of repair of apartments: cosmetic Repair, European-quality repair, euro-lux. Cost of our services Depends on type of works and their quantity(amount). And, than It is more volume, that below the price for separate kinds of works. Face lifting of apartments is one of accessible and Simple ways to freshen an interior of a apartment, To change style and color scale. At the given kind Furnish of apartments are kept bearing (carrying) designs Premises (Rooms), and if vary it is insignificant. Alignment of walls and ceilings is made partially, Also is beyond requirements of European-quality repair. From 2500 Rbl. for 1 кв.м. European-quality repair of apartments is professional The high-quality repair of apartments including Complex of works on finishing all surfaces up to Ideally equal condition, replacement of all electro posting, Pipes of water supply and the water drain, and also on full To re-planning of your apartment with use Design – the project, manufacturing and installation of designs Complex(Difficult) configuration. Repair of apartments on a category European-quality repair it, first of all, quality finishing Works and building materials. From 3500 Rbl. for 1 кв.м. Euro-lux – by manufacture of repair of apartments of a class Euro-lux the most expensive are applied and Modern "know-how" and a material on To finishing of all surfaces up to ideally equal condition. Re-planning of an apartment on design – to the project is made, and As full replacement electricians and pipes of water supply. Quality and amount of works at the given kind of furnish of apartments such , as well as at European-quality repair. Unique difference consists in To final finishing, here it is applied dear(expensive) and qualitative Material (products from ганча, valuable breeds of a tree). From 5000 Rbl. for 1 кв.м. East technics(technical equipment) of furnish of premises(rooms) Our masters do(make) a groove on a ceiling and walls from ганча (high-strength plaster) and valuable breeds of a tree manually, that gives unique and индивидуальныйстиль to your interior. A groove on ганчу and to valuable breeds of a tree можетизготавливаться under our sketches or the customer. Ганч. Special branch in ганчевой to a groove of our masters complex(difficult) art of manufacturing, volumetric сталактитообразных eaves - шарафа, making out makes transition from a wall to a flat ceiling or to the round, high dome, frequently filling this dome. Such eaves, ceilings, the arches богато were decorated полихромной with a list. Other kind decorative ганчевых works is the openwork groove of lattices - панджара. At manufacturing eaves and lattices of the master used way of casting. Using plastic properties crude ганча and its(his) durability after схватывания, masters achieve graceful development of a patten relief. Art opportunities ганча are various. The original technics(technical equipment) color ганча totals a lot of receptions of a groove on bicoloured or multi-colour plaster. Masters know how to recover white cold ганч, how to fill with its(his) rhythms and motives, how to find in it(him) melodious to plastic of a relief pattern, how to create harmony of a whimsical material and promptly running patten line. Works with PLASTER: Groove on plaster. From 5000 rbl. for 1 кв.м. Groove on plaster with mirror inserts. From 6000 rbl. for 1 кв.м. Draft (plinth) on a ceiling. From 50 rbl. for 1 мп. The call of the expert and сметчика to the customer is carried out FREE OF CHARGE. Concerning address by phones: |